Intranet and digital workplace strategy

Skill in “Intranet and digital workplace” domain

Skills related to the ability to create and implement a plan for the onward development of the intranet or wider digital workplace, taking into account the strategic environment as well as user and organisational needs.


Initiates strategy formation as required by proactively navigating the strategic environment. Socialises strategy with identified stakeholders throughout the strategic lifecycle.


Conducts an intranet or digital workplace strategy formation process by: 1) assessing the current state with research and diagnosis of user and organisational needs in the absence of existing strategy; 2) documenting guiding policy, direction and a strategic plan; 3) communicating the strategy with identified stakeholders.


Understands a proposed strategy and represents the interest of users or stakeholders in the creation of a strategic plan. Communicates useful and actionable feedback to the strategy development team.

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We're Spark Trajectory . We’re an intranet and digital workspace consultancy, working with innovative models to help you deliver your project like a pro. We offer a bunch of useful services such as intranet product evaluations, digital workplace user journey mapping and intranet launch and governance accelerators. Check 'em out!