Product management

Skill in “Intranet and digital workplace” domain

Skills related to the ability to manage intranet or digital workplace assets throughout their lifecycle of specification, procurement, operationalisation, improvement and decommissioning.


Oversees a suite of complementary tools, with formal process throughout their lifecycle including usage guidance, intra-product governance, improvements, replacements and planned decommissioning.


Manages the lifecycle of a limited number of interrelated products and tracks, manages and increases adoption among target groups of users.


Chooses and implements appropriate choices of new functionality or products and makes them available to prospective users.

Related skills

See also


We're Spark Trajectory . We’re an intranet and digital workspace consultancy, working with innovative models to help you deliver your project like a pro. We offer a bunch of useful services such as intranet product evaluations, digital workplace user journey mapping and intranet launch and governance accelerators. Check 'em out!